Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Shake Her and She'll Only Get Stronger

There's this succulent plant that made it's way home with me from a local farmers market about a year ago. It has pudgy, bulbous little leaves that are attached to a slender, string like stem that curves and twists wildly in every direction.

"Strange looking little guy," I thought as I carried it home. It was so delicate that it's bulgy little leaves fell off at the slightest touch.

It made it to my apartment half naked from the trip. I moved it to a window seal with a lot of light, but every time hands brushed against it more leaves fell off. A strong wind would blow through the open window and even more leaves fell from the stems. By now, the everyday challenges of life had left the plant looking starved, dilapidated, and half-dead.

"Stupid plant! Why are you so delicate?!" I complained out loud at the very sight of it.
Then one day, as I was watering my contained botanical collections, I noticed something in the soil under the naked stems of my struggling succulent. Every bulby leaf that had fallen off and landed in the dirt had begun to grow roots, each forming a brand new plant.

All of a sudden, I realized how little I actually knew about the plant. The very flaws I attributed to the strange little creature turned out indeed to be it's strengths. How amazing and talented the plant had become, and the only thing that had changed was me.
How amazing nature make a living creature that grows, even multiples every time it is shaken. If only I could be so strong!


  1. "to make a living creature that grows, even multiples every time it is shaken" -- awesome line.

  2. we can learn infinite lessons from nature if we take the time to look and reflect. great post.

  3. Ack ha... like the money plant! (Crassula ovata)
